Harvest with Us

July 25, 2021
For every display that we design, we always try to make a nod – even if subtle – to our give-back mission because it is at the core of everything we do here at Altar’d State. Our give back mission for this Autumn season is all about food insecurity and urban farming, and so as we brainstormed what our window theme would be, the idea of “Harvest” came to mind. There is a quote, “Always do your best – what you plant now, you will harvest later” that really rang true to us, and led us down the path of thinking about all the different plants and grasses that are harvested each year, and how many of them, like wheat, are used in foods that we eat every day.

Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission
Altar'd State Mission


We got to work creating larger-than-life harvest plants: wheat, pampas grass, dried palm leaves, cattails, and lunaria to create a deconstructed wreath in our windows that towered taller than the mannequins. A giant rust-colored ribbon runs around their stems in a celebratory gesture, bringing them all together, a beautiful bounty of harvested handmade elements.

We invite you to gather with us on our mission this season.

#AltardState #StandOutForGood